Quinnipiac Acrobatics and Tumbling closes out the season 5-1 with a win over Caldwell

Brittney Bronleben

Quinnipiac’s Acrobatics and Tumbling ended their season with a win against Caldwell University. The Bobcats scored 281.820 while the Cougars scored 133.625 points.

At the end of the first event, the Bobcats were in the lead scoring 38.55 out of the 40 points. The Cougars scored 25.65 out of the 40 points. From the start, the Bobcats had cleaner executions and hard routines. The three acro heats lead the Bobcats to continue their lead. At the end of the third event, going into halftime the Bobcats had a 27.1-point lead over the Cougars, 97.150- 70.050.

For their last three events, the Bobcats continued to add to their lead and Caldwell could not catch up to them. Caldwell University did not compete in the team event securing the win for Quinnipiac. During the team event, Quinnipiac scored 98.7, allowing them to finish with 281.820 points.

The Bobcats would end the season with a record of 5-1 and undefeated at home. With nationals for the National Collegiate Acrobatics & Tumbling Association coming up at the end of the month, the Bobcats will be qualifying to compete.

This being the last meet of the regular season, the growth of this team is visibly shown. This was their highest-scoring meet of the season.

“I think like as we move forward through meats and stuff, like we definitely gained confidence in one another and just really built a strong relationship throughout the air and I just I’m so excited to see that carry on into Nationals to have the best overall score for this season,” said Bella Pierce, a graduate student base.

“I think I think our confidence has grown the most,” said Chloe White, a junior back base. “I think we’ve always had the most talent we’ve ever had but I think the confidence in the skills that we’re doing and just the calm. I think this is our most calm meet and I think that’s why it was our most successful this season. It’s super special. This is a really, really unique group of people. I think the bond is better than ever, the culture is better than ever.”

Head Coach Mary Ann Powers spoke about how this team had grown from the beginning of the season and will continue to grow. 

“If you could see what we’re doing in September compared to right now,” said Powers. “It’s night and day. They have learned so much content and so much material.”

Not only did the team reflect on their growth in the season, but they also talked about their mindset for going to the Nationals.

“I think we have been ready for this for a long time,” said White. “So I think we’ve been waiting for it and I think we want to keep up the same pace that we’ve been doing the whole season and take it into nationals. It’s the same thing. Doesn’t matter who we’re playing”

Besides being one of the founders of the sport, Quinnipiac is also one of the top teams in the nation. The Bobcats are currently No. 4 in the nation. This team also has a chance to bring home a championship.

“And there’s something very unique about them,” said Powers. “There’s a quiet determination and they play up. I love that like when we went down to Baylor they didn’t back down. They were their hardest competition this year. They didn’t back down, they weren’t afraid of it. When you talk about our hockey team, that’s what I watched last season back and down and I feel like they’re relentless like I heard  they’re the adjectives that team throws around and this team is the same way.”

 Powers believes there is still potential and room for this team to continue to be great. Her passion for the sport helps the girls grow.

“There’s always something to work on and for people who are coaches who love to coach and love to coach passionately, knowing that they can always infer something is just it’s almost an addiction.”